Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Clearing the Decks...

I've been gone a while, and while I can't say this is brilliant way to return...I can say it is a good reason to!  I am having a sale on a section of hair accessories in my shop, and it's the first time I've done a sale on just a section of items.  Time to clear out my hair accessories section, because I have so many new ideas bursting out of my head!  I need to make some room for new things to happen!

If you haven't checked out my shop for a while, there are a lot of new items there...so take a look.  Always one of a kind, and always made with a loving hand!


*photos compliments of Enchanted Images

1 comment:

  1. Hey!

    I love your shop, I would love to review some of your items, in exchange for a feature and a review & styling post, email me at latterdaystyle @ gmail.com if you are interested (see my recent reviews and sponsor tab). (Just to clarify all items featured on my shopping blog are sent to me for free)

    --Heather Anderson


