Monday, August 8, 2011

Diamond Tufted headboard

This is a tutorial I read and altered a bit about how to make a diamond tufted headboard.  I highly recommend it!
Please read in conjunction with my suggestions.

My suggestions:
Step 1:  Decide on a shape/size for your wood cut out.  I drafted mine in cardboard so I could hold it up by the bed to assure size and scale.
Step 2:  Plywood...or any other straight wide wood works well.  Jigsaw out the shape.  Sand edges smooth.
Step 3: Spray the wood and foam with foam glue (make sure it wont eat the foam).
Step 4:  Cut the foam in the shape of the headboard.
Step 5: Mark the places for the buttons and drill right through the foam through the wood.  Or maybe from the back if it's thick foam.
Step 6:  Using pincher fingers or a door hole drill bit, enlarge each button hole tapering down to a point, and round the foam edges.
Step 7: Cover the foam with spray glue and batting, pressing down into each button hold divot and around edges.
Step 8:  The fabric laid out should allow for a lot of extra space on each side...three feet or more preferred.  Place the center of the fabric in the center of the headboard.  Begin tufting...
(look at the guide I used to do the remainder of the tufting)

Make sure you don't pull the fabric too tight.  Pull each button (in the order suggested on the tutorial) on a large needle with waxed upholstery string through the fabric, tufting, foam and wood hole, and secure on the back of the wood with staples.   My one word of advice...follow the directions on the tutorial about how to tuft EXACTLY.  Button tuft the headboard before you finish off the edges.  Make sure you place the fabric with TONZ of room all the way around, the tufting eats up excess fabric, and you may find yourself with not enough to finish it off with.

The set up is the most important part...that's why I spelled it out here...but the guide I used works great!
Finishing it off can be done with store bought or handmade piping, nail heads, or left just plain...

Here is the one I made for my daughter Maggie!
Happy Tufting!

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